Visual Artist
Upcoming events -
9th November - Steep900, Steep, Hampshire
17th November - Light Up Leigh, Greater Manchester
21st-23rd November - WeShine, Portsmouth
21st Nov-21st Dec - White's Eco Light Festival, Hants
29th November - Bright Winter Nights, Bolsover
30th March - Symphonic Dances, St Mellitus, London
Website built with Indexhibit
A participatory project with the Detectives Group in Portsmouth, exploring the Conan Doyle collection, focussing on The Lost World and The Poison Belt. Commissioned by Portsmouth City Council, the project consisted of drawing workshops and a multi part projection installation, with a soundscape created by Paul Weston. Displayed in the Menuhin Room, Portsmouth Central Library, November 2023 and subsequently shown on The Big Screen in Guildhall Square in Portsmouth.