Visual Artist

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9th November - Steep900, Steep, Hampshire

17th November - Light Up Leigh, Greater Manchester

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FLOW is an interactive immersive artwork projection exploring brain health and the research led by Dr Catherine Hall, of the Brain Energy Lab at the University of Sussex, with technical support from Andre Maia Chagas at the University of Sussex. The project was supported by Alzheimer’s Research UK’s Inspire Fund.

Further information about Alzheimer's Research UK and The Brain Energy Lab can be found here.

The installation has a running time of 12 minutes, with music by Ljudvagg.

The artwork projection was shown at The Fishing Quarter Gallery in Brighton in 2023 and at Hackney Gallery in London in 2024. Public drawing workshops were held at the start of the development process at the Brighthelm Centre as part of the Bring Your Own Brain event hosted by the British Neuroscience Association and at Jubilee Library in Brighton.